Bruschetta toppings are limited only by your imagination.

10 mins
10 mins
Cuttlefish, Octopus, Prawns.


275g Loligo Squid, cleaned
½ tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon capers in brine, rinsed and dried
1 bulb baby fennel, finely sliced (see notes)
1 golden shallot, finely sliced (see notes)
80g baby green beans, blanched, thinly sliced diagonally (see notes)
¼ cup chopped flat-leaf parsley
8 thick slices ciabatta or sourdough bread
1 clove garlic, peeled and bruised
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Salt flakes, to taste

Lemon Marinade
1½ tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 lemon, zest grated
Salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Lemon Dressing
½ tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
Salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper, to taste


Make Lemon Marinade: whisk all ingredients together.
Cut the squid tubes into thick strips and stir through the marinade. Cover and chill for at least 20 minutes (overnight is fine).

Heat olive oil in a small frying pan, add capers and fry until they pop open. Drain on paper towel until needed.

Heat a barbecue or char-grill plate.

Make Lemon Dressing: whisk all ingredients together.

Add fennel, shallots, beans and parsley and toss to combine.

Place bread on the grill plate and cook on both sides until well coloured. Rub each slice with the garlic clove. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and keep warm.

Drain the squid from the marinade and barbecue for about 2 minutes, turning occasionally, until it is just opaque.

Gently toss through the fennel mixture, pile onto toasted bread, scatter with fried capers and serve.

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© Sydney Fish Market, 2024

Developed with the assistance of grant funds from the Eat More NSW Seafood grant program, led by NSWDPI and NSWSIC.

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