Commercial Scallops

Placopecten magellanicus

Perfectly at home across southern Australia, in depths of 1-120m, the Commercial Scallop (which was predominantly referred to as the Tassie Scallop until the early 2000s) is one of Australia’s most abundant and important species of scallop. The majority of this species comes from the Bass Strait fishery, between Tasmania and Victoria, before being sent up to Sydney.

They are a mid-sized scallop - not as big as some Northern Hemisphere species, but far from the smallest. For scallop lovers, it’s these mid-sized species that strike the best balance between sweetness, tenderness, and flavour.

It is important to note that scallops are naturally ‘boom or bust’. They are filter feeders that depend on the ocean currents to provide nutrition, and the levels of nutrients being brought to the Scallop beds vary greatly from year to year. Because of this natural phenomenon the scallop season is only opened once assessments have been made to ensure that the population is healthy and viable for harvest. What this means is that when they’re on, they’re on!

The Tasmanian season, though subject to natural variations, starts from July and closes on the 31st of December. This is a natural bounty that’s wonderful to take advantage of. Whether they’re raw, seared, grilled in the half-shell, tossed through a pasta, cured in citrus – it’s hard to go wrong, particularly considering the price. When the season is at its peak, look for a price of under two dollars each for cleaned scallops, roe on, in the half shell.



Commercial Scallops

Method of Capture



Southern Australia

Other names

Common Scallop, King Scallop, Scallop, Sea Scallop, Southern Scallop, Tasmanian Scallop, Tassie Scallop.

Scientific Family



Farmed Commercial Scallops are available year-round, with wild mainly available from July to December.


The meat averages 13g. The shell can grow to 14cm in length, though 8-9cm is common.

Price range

High priced.

Alternative Species

Nothing matches the flavour and texture of a perfectly cooked Scallop, but Blue Mussels can often be substituted in recipes calling for Scallops on the half shell.



Usually sold as Scallop meat (by the kilo) or on the half shell (by the piece), with roe left on. Look for firm, intact, lustrous flesh and shells, with a pleasant fresh sea smell. Raw Scallop meat should be translucent and slightly ‘sticky’ indicating that it is ‘dry’, meaning it hasn’t been frozen or stored in water.

If buying live Scallops, shells should be closed or close when tapped or gently squeezed.


Refrigerate for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 3 months below -18ºC. Live molluscs should be consumed as soon as possible after purchase. Place in a container, cover with damp paper or cloth and keep in the warmest part of the refrigerator, usually the crisper (optimum 5ºC), ensuring that the covering remains damp.


Average yield in half-shell is 20% (roe on); off the shell it is almost 100% as they require no preparation beyond trimming off the dark vein running along the side of the meat. Has a rich flavour, low oiliness and moist, medium-firm, translucent, beige flesh when raw, turning opaque when cooked. Roe is orange to red.


Steam, poach, deep-fry, pan-fry, stir-fry, bake, grill, barbecue, raw (sashimi). Scallops require even less cooking than most seafood. It is always better to undercook, rather than overcook, them, leaving the centre still translucent, as they will continue to cook in the residual heat once they are removed from the pan.

Perfectly cooked, they are sweet and succulent with a gentle firmness, overcooked they are shrunken, tough and tasteless. Roe adds a strong shellfish flavour to pâtés and soups.

Flavour pairings

Avocado, breadcrumbs, butter, cauliflower, chilli, coriander, cream, dill, garlic, ginger, lemon, lime, mayonnaise, olive oil, Pernod, sesame, soy sauce.


Frozen Scallop meat (sometimes roe on) is imported from Asia, New Zealand and North America. Farmed South American Bay Scallops (Argopecten purpuratus) are imported frozen on the half shell from Peru. Dried Scallop meat (con poy) is imported from Asia, where it’s considered a delicacy.
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Developed with the assistance of grant funds from the Eat More NSW Seafood grant program, led by NSWDPI and NSWSIC.

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