There's more to these topics than meets the eye.

Something you might not know about seafood is just how much their environment impacts the way they taste. Deep-sea means cold water - as cold as three degrees Celsius - which is why fish from the depths tend to be rich in fats… They need them to keep warm!

5 Deep-Sea
Fish to Try 

If you feel like you've done Salmon to death and want to expand your horizons, we've got a few suggestions for delicious substitutes you can try. Bonus: they're almost all wild-caught in Australia, and affordable!

5 Substitutes for
Atlantic Salmon

A well-known adage among chefs is that you “eat with your eyes first”, alluding to the fact that foods that look strange or unappetising are less often eaten. And this is often the case with certain types of seafood. However, when treated right, some of the strangest looking species are also some of the most delicious!

5 Strange (But Tasty) Aussie Seafood Species to Try 

Mullet. Bring it up, and you'll get one of two responses: "The tastiest fish in the sea! My favourite fish!" Or, "Only good for cat food. Wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole!" How can people have such polar opposite opinions of the same fish?

Everything You Need
to Know About Mullet 

One of the most common misconceptions about seafood is the adage ‘the fresher, the better’. While this is true for some species (we’re looking at you, prawns), you might be surprised to learn that it is not always the case!

What's the Deal with
Dry-Ageing Fish?

A lot of marine species live a fairly sedate life. Herbivores can hide in the kelp, picking away, filter feeders can chew through the sand as long as they like. But then there are the species that are full-time hunters. Developing specialised characteristics for their environments, they know how to stalk, ambush, chase, cut, and crush their way to a meal.

5 Seafood Predators
(That Also Taste Great) 


Meet Bruno Smith from the Clarence River

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© Sydney Fish Market, 2024

Developed with the assistance of grant funds from the Eat More NSW Seafood grant program, led by NSWDPI and NSWSIC.

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